“摘苹果”在英语中可以翻译为 “pick apples”。
以下是使用 “pick apples” 这个翻译造的五个句子,并给出相应的翻译:
- “Every fall, we go to the apple orchard to pick apples for homemade pies.” (每年秋天,我们去苹果园采摘苹果,用于自制的派饼。)
- “She climbed up the ladder to pick apples from the tree branches.” (她爬上梯子,从树枝上采摘苹果。)
- “The children had a fun time picking apples and filling their baskets.” (孩子们在采摘苹果并填满篮子的过程中玩得很开心。)
- “We need to find a good time to go out and pick apples from our backyard apple tree.” (我们需要找个合适的时间出去采摘我们后院的苹果树上的苹果。)
- “They organized a community event to pick apples together and make cider.” (他们组织了一个社区活动,一起采摘苹果并制作苹果酒。)